Hong Kong Church

Castle Road, Hong Kong

Admiralty station: Exit C, then cross the bridge towards Pacific Place and take the 23 / 40 / 40M bus

Central station: Exit D1, then take the escalator up towards Mid-Levels, and walk about 15-20 minutes.

Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum Bus Station
Near the Hong Kong church

路線 Route出發地 Departure目的地 Destination
巴士/ BUS
40/40M會展站華富 (北)
103竹園邨 蒲飛路
22 中環(交易廣場)薄扶林花園
10 銅鑼灣(謝斐道) 數碼港

Kowloon Church

71 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Yau Ma Tei station: Exit A2, then walk for about 12 minutes.
Mong Kok station: Exit D3, then walk for about 10 minutes.


Metro Park Hotel Kowloon Bus Station  

Near the Kowloon church

路線 出發地 目的地
Route Departure Destination
7 尖沙咀碼頭 樂富
Star Ferry Lok Fu
7B 紅磡(紅鸞道) 樂富
Hung Hom (Hung Luen Road) Lok Fu
18 愛民 長沙灣(深旺道)
Oi Man Cheung Sha Wan (Sham Mong Road)
103 蒲飛路 竹園邨
Pokfield Road Chuk Yuen Estate
113 堅尼地城(卑路乍灣) 彩虹
Kennedy Town (Belcher Bay) Choi Hung
208 尖沙咀東 廣播道
Tsim Sha Tsui East Broadcast Drive
81C 尖沙咀東(麼地道) 耀安
Tsim Sha Tsui East (Mody Road) Yiu On
271 佐敦(西九龍站) 大埔(富亨)
Jordan (West Kowloon Station) Tai Po (Fu Heng)
270A 尖沙咀東(麼地道) 上水
Tsim Sha Tsui East (Mody Road) Sheung Shui
271B 尖沙咀(半島酒店) 大埔(富亨)
Tsim Sha Tsui (The Peninsula Hotels) Tai Po (Fu Heng)
20 大角咀(維港灣) 啟德(沐寧街)
Tai Kok Tsui (Island Harbourview)  Kai Tak (Muk Ning Street)
E21A 何文田(愛民邨) 東涌(逸東邨)
Ho Man Tin (Oi Man Estate) Tung Chung (Yat Tung Estate)

Vancouver Church

1531 West 15th Avenue, Vancouver V6J 2K5, Canada